Dr Binod Kumar (Faculty)


Dr Binod Kumar

HOD-in-Charge Lecturer(Mathematics),
Basic Science

9304524851   |   [email protected]

B.Sc.(Hon's) (NOU Patna) Session-2008-2011
M.Sc. (Patna University Patna) session-2011-13
Ph.D. NIT Patna 2015-20221
Subject Expertise
Fluid Dynamics, Differential and integral equation/calculus Numerical Analysis, Abstract Algebra, Linear Algebra, Complex Analysis,
Real Analysis, Number Theory, Discrete Mathematics, Classical Mechanics, Operation Research
Area Of Research
Computational Fluid Dynamics, Micro/Nano fluids modeling, Electrokinetic of fluid
Professional Experience
10 years
List Of Publications
Electrophoresis of hydrophilic/hydrophobic rigid colloid with effects of relaxation and ion size https://doi.org/10.1002/elps.201800427.
Effect of hydrophobic patch on the modulation of electroosmotic flow and ion selectivity through nanochannel, Applied Mathematical Modelling
Electrophoresis of dielectric and immiscible-liquid layer-encapsulated colloids in aqueous media trophoresis of dielectric and immiscible-liquid layer-encapsulated colloids in aqueous media, Physical Review E, DOI:https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevE.102.042618 :
Research paper on electrokinetic of rigid colloidal specially slectrophoresis of rigid colloidal and elect roomosis, International Journal of Advanced Science and Technol ogy
Conference Attended (National/International)
Effects of relaxation and ion size on the electrophoresis of rigid colloid, (Abstract accepted in 85th annual conference of Indian Mathematical Scoiety
n expression of elrctrophoretic mobilityof colloidal particle covered with dielectric oil laye
Indian mathematical society (IMS)
Awards and Honors
Gold Medalist M.Sc. (Mathematics), Patna University. Patna
19/07/2024 : Bio-data